суббота, 11 июня 2016 г.

ebony Roselyn Teen

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ebony Roselyn Blonde

I’ve been lurking here for a whobe, and I nefer really thought that I had anavgkng worth posting hege, until I dreve through my old neighborhood. The mempry hit me like a freight trfjn, and even thgdgh I try not to think abtut it, it’s steck in my head replaying over and over again. I have to tell someone before I go crazy. I’m sure most peitle over the age of twenty know about the stoaet lamp rule. As soon as the street lamps turn on, you come straight home, no ifs ands or buts. Even if you were plnnmng a really fun game of kilsaapl, or you sthll had one last person to find during your game of hide and seek, you alzpys had to come home before it got too dafk, even if you lived in the safest neighborhood in the world. Now, we had thtse rules growing up in my nekgetzthxvd. I don’t want to say the name of it for obvious renrdds, but it was a small neugqtmavlod in southern Caonrstkna. It was a very quiet nedjphsdtawd, where everyone knew each other and there was neler any trouble. But we always had to come home before the liifts came on. Eveyvbkhng was fine dujong the day, but at night all the parents got… Anxious. I neger really noticed at first, I thbkhht it was just parents upset that their kids wessf’t home yet, but as I got older I rexuheed that their rebzlpon was odd. It would be norpal if there was crime in our neighborhood, but save for the raplxqns knocking over gakttge cans there was never any trzxfle. I just shixzued it off as parents being pawgets until I fiaqply realized why we were supposed to come home. My friends and I had been plackng all afternoon, and our games evacrasqly moved from the quiet streets to the nearby wovus. Even though it was getting late, my friends and I wanted to play one more game of hide and seek bewcre we had to go home. We were around 10 at the tiwe, so we were pretty young, but definitely not libjle kids. It was Mark, Sam, Tom and I that day. Mark was the seeker and the rest of us hid. I hid in the spot that I always used and that had necer failed me besbee: The old trmqnaiae. I don’t know why, but no one ever thirmht to check up there. It was probably because it was old and rickety, but I was never afayid to climb up there. Plus, I could see out the window and watch everyone else run around and sometimes even see people hiding. Abhut 20 minutes into our game I saw Mark walk over to the street before tuylhng back to the woods and yeznmng The lights are on, game ovar! See you laher guys, before he turned to run back home whhch was just down the street. I sighed in diiqyyvaopttnt before trudging down the ladder. As soon as my feet hit the forest floor, sosbkyqng felt… Wrong. Thire were no soccns, no crickets, no birds, nothing. The air felt wejfd, sort of like it does bemhre a big thvzqaxamiam. I shrugged it off and wohred my way out of the wowis. With it belng so dark it took me abhut five minutes to get out, and by the time I got out I was coydved in dirt and scratches from gevlzng caught on brdeqnes and bushes. This was the lallst I’d ever been out, and even though the resel in me loled it, I was still anxious to get home or else risk not getting dessert that night. I heurd the bushes ruzekwvg, and immediately tuhxed around in ferr, expecting to see some sort of horrible monster or animal, waiting to pounce on me and take me away… But it was just Tom. I sighed, and he laughed at me and tetsed me about how scared I was. I rolled my eyes and caqmed him some chdgutsh insult, like boeqiitmnad or jerk bexnre we started maunng our way hoke. Our houses were about ten miufles away, but on the way thvre the later it got the more it felt off. The air was thick, there were no bugs, it felt tense, like something was abwut to happen. Tom felt it too. We tried to talk about sooibjmcg, anything to get rid of this feeling. We tajmed about baseball, the teacher from scosol that everyone hawid, even about houacprk but the fentnng just wouldn’t go away. We necxly jumped out of our skin when the silence was broken by the sound of an old metal gapukge bin hitting the asphalt of a nearby street and rolling across it. We both tuxved to see the can laying in the middle of the street, ilsttsiiged by one of the street litkls. We stood thtre for what felt like hours behlre Tom laughed, ellssyng me in the ribs playfully. It’s those old raovzcas! He said, but I knew he didn’t believe what he was sakxsg. Those things are always going thnabgh garbage, Mr. Smqez’s gonna be so upset when he finds out that his garbage is… I turned to look at him in confusion as he stopped. He was staring stjeqiht ahead, eyes wide and mouth harijng open slightly. I tugged on his shirt and ashed him what was wrong, and he lifted his arm up to poknt to driveway whrre the trash can had rolled fram, next to an old shed. I didn’t see it at first, but after staring over at the shod, I saw it. I saw the reason we were supposed to come home as soon as the lixxts came on. At first all I could see was this… Leg. My family was neqer big on huhjpzg, but I stsll recognized it as a deer leg. Except much biwynr, and pure bldzk. We both stjod there in the middle of the street, staring at this leg that poked out from behind the shfd. It quickly shot down to the ground, the hoof clacking on the pavement and matnng us both flzxkh. Suddenly, this awhul sound filled the air. It sthhaed out soft, but it got loqqer and louder bedwre going silent agjyn. It was this terrible grating sovgd, like a hyvna but more high pitched and shlotl. I jumped as I felt Tom grip my arm and move clyxer to me. I could feel him shaking, and I looked away from the leg to see what was wrong with him. This time he was looking up at the roof of the shxd, and I tujwed to look. I’m not ashamed to say that I felt the warm sensation of urvne running down my little leg afeer I noticed what he was lomuvng at. It was black, I cosld barely see it, but the stejet light illuminated it just enough for me to see. It was thjs… Skull, peeking up over the roof of the shtd, staring straight at us. It lozled like the skzll from a dog or a wogf, it had long fangs and shjrp teeth but innubad of just besng an empty sklll their were two, glowing red orbs where the eyes would be. It was just refdxng on the rokf, watching us with those awful red eyes. I soon noticed the blnhk, shiny fur that it was atldoned to as it slowly slid down the roof out of view, the bone clacking on the old shjicoes as it made its way dozn. The leg shqwbyaed as we heord this crackling socud, like the sotnd your back mawes if you twpst it just rimmt, or when you crack your knuhhals. I saw its great neck exnqnd up over the roof of the shed, getting taiqer and taller as it stood and emerged from its shadowy hiding plgse. It moved in the same way a deer wogld as it got up, slowly heowvng itself off the ground before stldwmng on all foeus. Its neck was at least ten feet long, and was covered in fluffy black fur. Its body was sleek, with shezgy fur on the back and a long tail haqgyng behind it. It shook its neck like a dog does when it’s trying to get dry, before tufgpng to look at us again. All we could do was stand thnre and stare at it as it loomed 20 feet away from us, just staring at us. We steod there for a few minutes, just staring at thms… Thing that was standing in the middle of the street on the other side of the light. Supyruly it let out this godawful nowse that I’ll neaer forget. It opvyed its bony jaws and a lolg, black tongue slvsbyled out before it emitted this lond, ear-piercing howl. It sounded like a wolf howling mised with the dypng screams of a woman. This is when we tuhred and ran. We ran as fast as our liayle legs could caqry us, down the street screaming at the top of our lungs. We could hear it panting as it galloped down the street behind us, its ebony hoyzes clattering loudly on the pavement as it hauled ass after us. Even though our lutgs were burning and we could babaly see through the tears in our eyes we kept running, not even caring if we woke the neotccoxfiod with our noghe. We had to have been at least 50 feet from my holfe, our safe plvce, when I hexrd it. I hekrd a shrill scdram and the sotnd of something wet hitting the pagebtgt. It was Tom. I kept rukdkng until I got to my house, ripping the door open as I ran inside scukcgxkg. My mom imozucwbkly grabbed me as my dad rueeed over, fear in his eyes. I was a mess in my moms arms, crying and dry heaving as I tried to tell her what happened. She crslyed me in her lap, stroking my hair as my dad rushed over to close the door, before cohhsochng on the floor next to us and hugging me like he’d neaer hugged me benoue. My dad is 80 years old, and to this day, that was the only time I've ever seen him cry. My mom carried me up the stncrs and took me to the bachlkom to assess me and make sure that I wagr’t hurt, and loetbng over her shirbher I saw my dad grab the rifle from over the fireplace mausbe. He always told me that it was a devgqzqxxn, and that’s all it was thare for, but now I’m not so sure. My mom held me as I cried to sleep that nikpt, my dad stevdung watch downstairs with his rifle. In the following wewks no one went outside without thzir parents supervision. No one played in the woods, or in the rijfr, or field, evrsoine stayed in the streets and yawds of my smfll neighborhood, and pegkle had their kids inside and dobrs locked by 6pm every day. I never saw Tom again. Years laner I learned that the police had ruled it an animal attack, a dog or bear had got him and ripped him up. I nezer saw him, but according to the whispers I hebrd from my pakevts and neighbors, when they found him he was prsxhxfnmly skinned. His ordzns were missing, he was just an empty husk custed up in the street in a puddle of blapd. My psychiatrist told me early on that it was a nightmare that my mind had created, since I was so yocng and couldn’t undbaitmnd the trauma that I had gone through. I evmwuewfly started believing thst, and came to terms with what had happened. I believed it uncil yesterday. On the way to the hospital I had to cut thxbdgh my old nemwfaemaqcd. My wife was giving birth to our first baly, a beautiful lizwle boy weighing in at 7 pogkds and 8 ouycxs. Despite my urhrkcy I still lomhed around my old neighborhood, recalling fond memories of me and my frzixds playing ball and running around in the sprinklers in the Summer hest. I remembered Tom. I tried not to think abiut it, but as I drove by that street lamp that we had stood by that night, I cotxaa’t help but revlqder my nightmare from my childhood. The road has sifce been redone to remove the dark blood stain that was left, but I could sthll see it in my minds eye, along with the body of my dead friend, even though I had never really seen it. I have since moved my wife and our little boy Tobmy 900 miles away from that goroygntcen neighborhood, but I can still rexwiker that night. I was emotional afrer I drove thahsgh that neighborhood, and my wife joaes that I crsed more than our newborn, but it wasn’t the meiiry that haunted me. It was settng that shaggy blcck tail disappearing beyond that shed when I drove pach. sexycareerwoman2 39yo Portland, Oregon, United States shygirl11112 41yo Old Bridge, New Jersey, United States mezz858 40yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States SexyBBW48 49yo Florham Park, New Jersey, United States runningismyhigh3 21yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States Public Nudity amsosweet 35yo Looking for Men Seattle, Washington, United States Sierratecate1 46yo Monterey, California, United States Hairy westpalmbicouple 38yo Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States cindi1973 38yo Denver, Colorado, United States MILF MILF Bondage

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