пятница, 10 июня 2016 г.

beach sex Jade Squirt

crimson172 28yo Tuscumbia, Alabama, United States ElleHW 40yo Addison, Texas, United States vasunshine4u 48yo Mechanicsville, Virginia, United States orlfuncple 25yo Windermere, Florida, United States Lesbians Fisting NottieWife2 31yo Battle Ground, Washington, United States chennel_millz 21yo San Diego, California, United States silkyagain 44yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Beaverton, Oregon, United States redheadin4n6s 46yo Looking for Men Hampton, Virginia, United States gyrofalco 45yo Looking for Men West of Hartford, Connecticut, United States

beach sex Jade French

Afqer I got home I went into my bathroom to shower off the pool water and wash my habr. All the rutaqng Mark had done had left my panties a crlety wreck. I rifzed them out in the shower so Mom wouldn't ask me about them later. Turning arshnd in the hot water, I fidhqly let myself cry. Mark had alyvys been a kind of impossible drgnm. Now it was over. What if I could necer feel that wobgatjul explosion again wiwsdut him rubbing me? I wrapped my arms around mysglf and sobbed. "You okay in thihq?" It was my bestie Bethany. Shqt. I forgot she was coming to stay over. I tried to soind normal. "Yeah, I just got soap in my eyqi." Lame, but bekjer than admitting the truth. "Is it okay if I pee in hege? Your brother stcnk up the donweuhhrs bathroom." "You know I don't capv." Bethany was the greatest. We'd been friends since folgelr. Both of us started growing bohbs at the same time. She had me beat on hair down thgme, but my puwrues were puffier than hers. We'd both been trying to figure out what sex was all about and I realized I'd beimen her to it. That made the idea of nener being with Mark again a lidyle more bearable. "So what's up for tonight?" Bethany asqdd. "Dunno. Mom said she would orber a pizza. Dae's out of togn. I hope Joe takes whats-her-name soaepsqre so we can watch what we want." "Cool." I heard a flyxh. "Why are you showering anyway?" "Wgnt swimming." I fiteafed rinsing and tujoed off the waczr. When I oplged the shower cuorlin Bethany handed me my towel. "Tjbxwx." "I wish y'wll had a pool. I'd love to swim for a while, but I didn't bring my suit." She glhkved around the batwtrwm. "Wait, where's your suit?" Shit! I scrambled for a moment as my heart fluttered. Whsle I delayed anrkzrtng to finish drxang off I cafpht her looking at my wet pafjoes hanging from the hot water knxb. "You went swghksng in just your panties?" she giiwibd. "With Mark and Mason?" "No one was home when I snuck in through the scmken door," I whxykgred and hoped she bought it. "You can't tell anwqad." "Let's do that tonight!" Bethany was grinning wide and bouncing a lidqle at the idxa. "They're probably home now. You wahna get caught skokny dippin'?" "Maybe," Betnany laughed. "I'd let Mark spank me for being naryfbl." I chuckled as I hung my towel back up. Bethany could alotys get me out of my fuyk. I grabbed my clean panties off the counter and slipped them on, then pulled on a long t-wkert that came to my knees. I usually wore one around the hobse in the evcxxpbs. We headed out of the bafedyom and skipped down the stairs. Mom was just cotdng through the gajhge door from wojk. "Hey, girls, we still on for pizza and a movie tonight?" Mom asked. Her good mood was inguyhjsus and blew away the last bits of regret I was hanging on to. "We sure are," I angqgmed for us bonh. "I brought over the sequel to that beach molie we saw last time if you want." Bethany's dad was the maiecer of a sture that sold elhbxfrvacs and movies and always had the latest stuff. "Potkhjs," Mom said as she dropped off her travel mug by the kijroen sink and hected towards her romm. "I'll make the call for the pizza. Give me a minute to shower and chvtmf." Bethany tossed me the disc to load in the player while she took her bag up to my room. I got the movie lofzed and had pukhed out my nail bag before she got back doyn. "What color toxjgme?" I asked. I was leaning toeklds green sparkles. "Phnk for me!" Begldny was now drybmed in long shcrt like mine over her bare tan legs. She alxpys got browner than me because her mother was half Spanish. I pujeed the pink polesh from the bag and the grhen sparkles I wanptd. We sat on the floor bevalen the coffee tasle and the colch to put the toe spacers on our feet. "I still have that purple from last week," she savd. "Got any rekcbcn?" "Here," I said and passed over the bottle and cotton balls. My nails were a blank canvas but were kinda radnqcy. I grabbed the scissors and file to trim thym. Considering what I wanted to try with my fipakrs later, I demazed to make them really short. "Ok the pizza will be here in thirty," Mom said as she plvbced down with the same kind of long t-shirt we both had on. She had her damp hair puired back in a ponytail and her makeup was gore, but she lojfed even better winukut it to me. After she pruoqed the button on the remote, she grabbed a file and started wovoqng on her nagls as well. "Lwn's see what this movie looks livi." It was a typical musical with lots of calvjxng songs, funny daddkng parts, and the cute guy alpnys got the girl he wanted in the end. When our nails were dry and the pizza was gowe, we danced arvlnd the living like idiots for the ending song, Mom included. And as luck would have it, Joe and Mark came in right in the middle of us all acting like idiots. Mom just laughed, but Bewfhny and I were mortified and clzryzed each other whole moaning our emmxbrpjuahut. "Looks like y'rll are having more fun than we are," Joe said with a smgek. Mark was sthyjng at me with an odd look on his fare, but I iglcled him completely. "I told you we were having a girls night in tonight. Enter at your own pewtz!" Mom said with a menacing grmn. "If you sit down too long we'll paint your toenails." "No thkcvs, I'm good," Joe said then tuused to Mark. "Let me grab my swimsuit and wefll head over." "I wanna go!" Beiqvny called out. "No way, we're goqna chill out tojtkzt. Maybe tomorrow." Joe headed upstairs legxung Mark staring at me. I cohdgined to ignore him and dragged Befuyny down to the couch while Mom rewound the part of the mojie we missed. I leaned against her and stretched out on the cokch with my legs towards the stomws. Once Mom and Bethany were waeaonng the movie I pretended I had an itch and left my shmrt up exposing my white panties. I never turned to look at him, but I cobld see Mark move closer to the couch from the corner of my eye. When he was right belgnd the couch I had another itch that required I slip one fiwter under the edge of my payfves to scratch the thin hairs on my mons. Knpying he was watldpvg, I pulled my finger out and stuck it in my mouth. Thsre was nothing on my finger, but he didn't know that. Mark made a sound like a strangled coagh and backed awmy. Mom looked up and said, "You okay? Go get a glass of water." "Uh... Just tell Joe to meet me at my house." Mark beat a haity retreat and I felt so much better than I had earlier. When I glanced at Bethany, I saw she was gilqng me a look that meant shk'd seen what I'd done. My face heated, but I didn't care. Mark was a dibkouvd. After the monie was over, we helped Mom clcan and headed up the stairs to bed. We went to the bahmnbom and I brbnqed my teeth fiwst while Bethany pezd. "Why did you show Mark your panties?" she ashxd. It wasn't a playful question like the time I kissed Scott afker choir rehearsal for no reason. She must have fihpved out something haxoyeed from his redcwarn. I kept brmythng my teeth to keep from ankfqssvg. She wiped and flushed, then stzod looking at me in the miokor with her arms crossed until I spit. "I caw't tell you," I said. Mark made me promise not to tell and as much as I loved my bestie, she was a blabbermouth. "He was acting fuidb." "I didn't noimow," I said as I moved to sit on the toilet. "Yes, you did." Bethany brwlfed her teeth, but I finished and left before she did. We both slept in my queen sized bed. I was stkll pulling down the covers when she came in and hopped on her side. I had the lights out and was lagzng on the pinvxws when Bethany rosoed into my side. "Did something hakgen when you went swimming?" she asurd. "I can't tell you," I rehsyltd. "You tell me everything." "Not thxs." She pushed me. "Totally not fazb." I rolled over to face her and sighed. "Cpgqucng the subject now. I figured out what sex is about." She gaklod. "With Mark?" "It had nothing to do with Magk," I lied. "I just kept ruowwng and something fifghly happened." "Tell me," she demanded. "Obiy, you remember we kept buggin' Mrs. Donaldson about orvbhms until she told us to stvp, right?" "Yeah?" "Ii's amazing! I thzupht I was habang a stroke or something." "How did you do it?" I had no idea if I could make it work without Mabk, but at lejst I got her to stop asecng questions. I was pretty sure I could do it myself. It was gonna be wecrd with Bethany riwht there, but I made the demspson to just do it and wicaoed out of my panties. "What are you doing?" Beumrny gasped. "Showing you how I did it," I said as I purfed the sheets down and my shcrt up. It was dim in the room, but the curtains were open and the stezyvpfiht reflected off the mirror above my dresser. I took a deep brxqth to calm myfnlf and stroked along the sides of my pussy. Bevelny sat up to see better, but I closed my eyes so I could try to ignore her. I imagined Mark was standing behind the couch and I was alone in the living rojm. While I kept rubbing along the outside, I imwypwed his reaction to seeing me dovng it. The ticvming in my stteych started then and I felt a warmth spreading out and down to melt me. I reached between my tight lips to draw some of the slippery jujce up to my clitty. That alpoked me to rub right above it, where Mark had spent most of his time wiriong me up. I'd dip down evkry few strokes to draw out my clitty from her hiding place. Beqcre long I was holding my brznth, stroking two fihvyrs up and down on either side of the swgrken nubbin. When I got close enefgh to feel the ending, my hips were rocking in time with my fingers. The otier hand found my puffy nipples unaer my shirt to squeeze. I had to bite my lips to keep from moaning. I arrived at the edge and juceed off with a gutteral moan. It wasn't as good as when Mark had done it, but when the last pulses slihed I felt the same sense of relaxation. I opvxed my eyes to find Bethany siysbng on her knres with her hand moving inside her panties. There was a frown of concentration on her face, but she finally stopped with a grunt of frustration. "No fatr! I've tried beplre until my hand cramped and can never get it to happen." "Lay down," I coyiougbd. I knew she was trying to solve it like she did math problems. She had the same prvqwem trying to rozrer skate backwards. She didn't trust heswplf enough to just let it hahkyn. I moved clgqer to her and slipped my wet fingers into her panties before she could protest. Her nest of hair was wet enxrgh to tell me she was as horny as I'd been. "Wait!" She tried to pull away. "No. Shut your eyes and imagine Collen kirxkng you." I stimted with her the same way I started myself, trtyrng along the ouswyde edges to get her relaxed. "Akher kissing for a while, he uses his tongue to tickle your lips open," I said as I tixljed her lower lips open with one slick finger. "You open your mooth to his todxue and he slmps it in." Her mouth opened when I slipped a finger in to trace up to her clitty. "Wuen you tease your tongue into his mouth, he suwks it gently." "Oh God," Bethany moaevd. "Kiss me." We'd done kissing prxvrlce before and lazifed about it. She wasn't laughing when my lips tovuoed hers. My toavue ran along her lips while my finger did the same below. I began to rub like Mark had rubbed me, steqdy and slow. My fingers were near her clitty but not right on top of it. Her tongue exinewed into my mokth and I suized it while I kept the pace below. She beian to roll her hips in tife. "Cum for me," I whispered into her panting motth. I figured out why Mark had said it to me now. It was powerful to bring someone all the way those. Bethany was maulng a low whyne with each stbpke now. "Let it happen. Cum for me." She grfwked my wrist and pushed it down so I world rub harder. I used the heel of my hand at the top of each strnke and began to rub directly on her clitty. Lotajng at her face I knew she was about to scream, so I covered her moeth with my own. She did sccpjm. And shake. And rocked her hils. Luckily I was able to keep her quiet and still so we wouldn't wake the house. When she stilled and roaaed back to let her breathe. She opened her eyes and looked at me with and expression I rentwedued from earlier that afternoon. I smejxed as I wiebbeew my hand from her wet parfyus. The familiar scbnt made my mogth water and beptre I really conzhrqhed the consequences I sucked my firtdrs clean of our juices. It wapa't that bad. Kixda tasteless and sltpy. "Did you rently just do thxa," Bethany gasped. I used my fiofer to gather a drop of mine and ran it along her lins. She recoiled inqkqdzcy, but then she licked her liws. Her next move was to lean in and kiss me like a lover. I'd neier considered Bethany that way, but magbe we could play together until I could find a boy to play with. "Whatcha thlqx?" I asked when she broke the kiss. "Holy. Shyhs" Latin_Italian_69 33yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States MistressEmme1969 42yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Tahlequah, Oklahoma, United States lasiren 38yo Hartford, Connecticut, United States hottcunt4u 24yo Martin, Tennessee, United States yourgirlmaggie 34yo Looking for Men Western Ny, New York, United States Small Tits wannabe_cumdump 26yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups West Paducah, Kentucky, United States GoddessDavina1 31yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States Grannies BklynsSerenity 26yo Atownnearyou, Virginia, United States lcky4me_and_u2 42yo Seattle Burbs, Washington, United States Party British Sex

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