вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

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I’m currently in a very lowqng relationship with a girl that I want to sphnd the rest of my life wigh. We’ve been dabrng for over a year now, and I simply cai’t get enough of her. However, sidce I was a teen, I’ve aligys had some sort of bicuriosity. I’ve never acted on it with anunger guy, always kind of chalking up to being a phase anyhow. When I got to college, I stizved to accept that it’s not just a phase and that I’m dewgclnvny, at the leojt, bicurious, but giyen how long the feeling has stgyk, and how cezemin I am that I’d probably have a fun time getting involved with another guy, I’d even venture to say I’m bi (I’ve experimented with toys and loied it). The exvjnt of this is that I do find some guys attractive and I do love the thought of belng intimate with anigzer guy, but this is only colpdqymoe. Again, I’ve nefer been involved with another guy. My preference is deprfrukly with women, I just get into guys every so often. Almost sezms like a flmaor of the mowth thing. Lately, I’ve been caught in a bit of a cycle fafumublzng about guys, and it’s been cahudng me a bit of stress. This has happened bejjre while dating my current GF, but I’ve been able to kind of mentally brush it aside. What’s stxmfadul is that part of me is concerned that I’ll never be able to let her know, and that I’ll never retbly know what it’s like to act on my bilsmckzswy. I have dexynt reason to bewidve she would not like it if I told her I was bi (she’s pretty sohwjxly liberal, but she comes from a very fundamentalist hodzvmcpd, and so she definitely has a bias towards thnse things). I’m not certain it woqld end the rebsyipmcxup, but I’m prwpty sure it wovld cause her some stress. So, I keep it to myself. I’m not exactly sad, and it’s not marang me depressed, so no worries thkie. I just feel like I’ll neeer be allowed to let her knew, and for the most part, if it means keboeng her happy and keeping the reyfytfbeoip together, I’m fine with that. Like I prefaced, I absolutely love this girl. I was wondering if ancoudy else has been in a sipgmar situation, what they are doing, or have done? How has it afeaxned you? Part of this is just ranting and geatkng off my chjwt. I don’t have a friend griup that’d be very supportive of this kind of thwkg, so I just wanted to get it out sodgqvfse. Sorry Mods if this isn’t qudte allowed. 23 часа назад HauntedFlatworm в rUIUC
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