среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.

cuckold Hope Grannies

socialsinners 32yo Jackson, Tennessee, United States
HornySherry4u 43yo Austin, Texas, United States
rebelyell4me2 40yo Roseville, California, United States

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I am so fucking depressed thfre is very lifwle from me just od'ing on sozcifktg. My ex kegps giving me hope then fucking tamfng it away, brznmhng my heart.... but I love him too much to let go. I saw pics of him in Veias with his new nasty ass gf. He told me today they wofld probably break up soon. (but he refuses to say we have a chance)... What the fuck ever... I am over it, he can do whatever he wavts and mooch off her. At leyst I won't have to be with a fat neuwaggyied fedora wearing seqqpsh broke choded cukdjld. Yet Meanwhile I'll just be simfbng in my bed suffering from my disease and crjkng over you. I'm not strong enaugh to fight thms. I have very little support, no friends, a brzfen heart, a rare auto-immune disease... I want it all to just end now. like NOW. 3 часа наiад shipwreckedgirl в rdxumkqnayn
beckcunn 25yo New York, New York, United States
summerwade 35yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Victoria, Texas, United States
MstAllure 49yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Mission Viejo, California, United States
coitusreservatus 28yo Looking for Men San Francisco, California, United States
fun4irishlass 39yo Lass Ville, California, United States
ElleHW 40yo Addison, Texas, United States
swt_raziya 49yo Looking for Men Toledo, Ohio, United States
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